
Wednesday 15 January 2014


If, like me, you find yourself a little short on space after Christmas, here's my five de-cluttering resolutions:

1. 3 month rule
If you haven't used it in the last 3 months, put it away (back cupboard, attic or garage).

2. 12 month rule
 If you haven't used it in the last 12 months, time to make a visit to the charity shop.

3. Sentimental items
Only keep things outside these rules if you really love them and they have sentimental meaning. I'm a mama who wants to keep every cute items of clothing the frog's ever worn (so I can make that quilt one day - aye right), so this one is particularly hard for me. My tip? Have one box to keep all your sentimental stuff. Go back each year and clear through it - I bet half the stuff you won't remember why you kept in the first place!

4. Space?
When buying things, ALWAYS ask yourself this vital question - where will it go? This doesn't just apply to furniture (i.e. that oh-so-practical-but-pretty storage box that is too small to be of any actual use). When you're tempted by that 2 for 1 offer, ask yourself if you actually have room for it in the cupboard. This is especially true of those things that take you a year to get through anyway - you don't need two (this is how I managed to find myself with 3 jars of golden syrup in my cupboard, which we only eat once a year on pancake day).

5. Don't go back
When de-cluttering, make quick decisions and whatever you do, don't go back through that 'donate' bag. Follow your first instinct, or you'll find yourself making excuses to keep those shoes that you've only ever worn to the car and back because they shredded your feet (trust me, on this one I speak from experience).

Happy de-cluttering!

What are your best ways of keeping the clutter down? How do you stop your kids toys becoming clutter? Please share any tips below!

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